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How to Sort Yarn – Method 2

Posted in Fun Ramblings on March 15th, 2011 by Veronica Smith – 14 Comments

How to sort your yarns – method 2, a follow on to method 1 (funny that). This is another way to manage your yarns and can be used with method 1 or instead of. This is a wonderful system and it really works, as does method 1. It works in the hands of somebody organized, although I must admit even I have employed this system with great success, I use it in conjunction with method 1 (method 1 is still is stored in the bedroom) and I think I am getting on top of things finally.
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How to Sort Yarn – Method 1

Posted in Fun Ramblings on March 9th, 2011 by Veronica Smith – 18 Comments

Yarn, thread, fibre, I don’t care what you call it but it breeds. Yes, breeds, unlike the money in your savings account. If your yarn hasn’t started breeding it soon will. If per chance it does not start multiplying then I have to conclude that the yarn is owned by somebody with this elusive thing called “self control”.

Now this is advice for people who have breeding yarn and those who can see signs that it is beginning, even on a small scale. The people who purchase yarn with only a vague idea of what they are going to do with it, for the “future project”. How do you know what you have? I am fortunate enough to have a craft room so you would think that everything would be in there – wrong. For some reason it is also in my bedroom and in the room where the TV is and in a camphor chest in yet another room in the house. Would it fit in the craft room, probably, if I get in there and organize it, but that’s another story.
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You Crochet – Therefore You Are….

Posted in Fun Ramblings on March 1st, 2011 by Veronica Smith – 15 Comments

Crochet – still thought of by some as a “granny’s thing”. I mean, who would want that old crochet stuff now? How very wrong. I know for my grandmother that crochet and knitting were a necessity. She would get old clothing that had been discarded by others, and pull them apart to remake a garment. It happens when you have 7 children and live in a 2 bedroom house with no running water – no money. The old multi-coloured afghans could be make up using the little bits that happen when you unravel things. For some, these things were a reminder of poorer days.

Not so now – the good old ‘granny square’ has made a comeback big time. Crochet is now the ‘in’ thing. It has had a face lift, funnily enough a lot is being made with grandma’s generation patterns.
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