Do You Crochet For Your Pets?

By Emilee Gettle – 40 Comments
Who hasn’t seen a cute pooch prancing down the sidewalk sporting a sweater as the weather turns cooler? These pampered pups have a lot going for them, especially if their momma is a crochet queen! There is a pattern for every dog, from everyday wear to costumes for the holidays! After seeing a few of these privileged doggies pass my way this week, I wondered if any of you crochet for your pets?

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  1. Nancy says:

    i don’t have any pets myself,but i do crochet for other family members and friends pets.Mostly toys though

  2. chiibug says:

    I did, once. I made my dog a blanket. He ate it. I figured it was a bad idea after that.

  3. April says:

    I’ve thought about it but can’t think of anything to make for a large yellow lab. I don’t want to make a sweater for him as I don’t like them. Any suggestions? 🙂

  4. Sharon says:

    I haven’t for a while but my chihuahuas have gotten “chunky” and I need to get them some new sweaters for the winter. My son recently asked for a fitted crocheted cover for his dog’s crate to help insulate it and keep it warmer so that’s on the drawing board right now and soon to be a wip.

  5. Angela says:

    I can’t bring myself to put my precious yarn on my pet.

  6. Melissa says:

    I crocheted a sweater for a cat once. Poor Mano was very cold being a short haired cat of the tabby variety in this cold climate so I made him a sweater. Wonder what happened to it? This was not my cat BTW was my cousin’s husband’s cat.

  7. Sara says:

    yes, Absolutely!
    Check out my BLOG

    by the way, I made your soap bag and love it!

  8. Angie says:

    I haven’t yet…but, I think I need to b/c the last project I made my cats loved. It was a really cute loop stitch pillow and they loved the yarn I used. So, I think I’ll make them a bed out of it, as they laid on it every chance they got.

  9. Pavi says:

    I made a toy for my cat and he sniffed it once after i covered it with catnip. He has never looked at it again!

  10. Lane† says:

    I have an Italian Grey Hound. She gets really cold in the winter so I’ve crocheted/knitted her a wardrobe. She won’t be cold this winter! 🙂

  11. Tennyemaye says:

    Never done much pet crocheting, since I have cats (who arent too fond of sweaters) but I did make a cat toy , which I stuffed with catnip. My cat still loves it! (You can find the pattern here:
    Other than that, not much I’ve ever crocheted for cats…ideas?

  12. stacey says:

    i crochet little sweaters for my dog. shes a teacup chihuahua so she gets cold easily during the winter. they aren’t anything too special, but they seem to work for her and she leaves them on. the only bummer about them is that my sisters dog looves to get into them and tear holes into them. which gets me really mad! but i still love making them for my TCUP! <3

  13. Natalie says:

    haha, my mom is crazy about crocheting dog sweaters. I have too though, and I love seeing my work on my doggie <3

  14. Jo Annie says:

    I have been making little cozy houses for my hamsters for a year now, I use Organic cotton with no dye and they love it, it’s dark, warm and cute.
    My last hamster (named link, cos she looks like a sausage link cos she’s such a fatty) didn’t know what to do with the first house I made her, instead of sleeping inside she decided she wanted to sleep on the house instead. 
    I love making things for my hamsters but they usually rip ip apart to make bedding or arrange it the way they want it. 
    I don’t mind though, I love my hammies!

  15. Dionne says:

    I love to make stuff for pets. My group crochets cat blankets for a local humane society. It a fun project for us because we get to use up all of our leftover balls of yarn. We are on facebook!/pages/Yarn-Projects-from-the-Heart/128018250574191
    If you like what we do, become a fan. : )

  16. Jennifer says:

    Can’t say I’ve made anything as of yet, but a local lady has asked me for dog sweaters for her dachshunds (a.k.a. wiener dogs). I haven’t really found anything that I think would work well. My mother made some toys for her cats, though, in an accident while trying to make a 3-D blackberry (the fruit, not the phone :D). She ended up making a little ball with a bell inside. She sold 18 of them at a recent festival!

  17. Jessica says:

    I crochet sweaters for all the neighborhood dogs! And with all the compliments I have been getting, I’m concidering turning crochet into a business? I love seeing my friend’s dogs out for a walk wearing one of the custom made sweaters I crocheted! Love it!

  18. Nikki says:

    I have two chihuahuas and plan to make them some extra cute sweaters! They are cold not just in the Winter but on chilly Fall Mornings when we are too frugal to turn the heat on because it will warm up, down here in Ohio. I would love to hear more about Doggie Sweaters and learn of some easy patterns y’all use! Thanks & God Bless,

  19. Ralene says:

    I made some crocheted mice for my cat last year for a stocking stuffer. He was only so so about them, but our new puppy just loves them.

  20. Chris says:

    My kids got me a yorkie poo for my retirement gift. She was born in California and so the cold Wisconsin winters will be a first for her. I have made two sweaters for Suzi since we got her. I love making these for little dogs and am collecting patterns for other dog accessories. Keep warm!

  21. Erin says:

    I never thought I’d have a small dog that wears sweaters, but we rescued a chihuahua and she HAS to wear sweaters to survive the Indiana winters. So, yes, I crochet for her 🙂

  22. Mary Ann says:

    I started crocheting after my black lab, Sadie, died, but when she got old she was having trouble carrying around her big heavy toys so my MIL crocheted her a large ball and stuffed it with polyfil. She carried that all over the place.

    Now I have a cat and she “helps” me when I crochet.

  23. Serah02 says:

    I have and DO crochet for my pets. I’ve had 2 poodles, a miniature daschie and now have a toy fox terrier. She has an extensive wardrobe and this winter I’m making her a fur coat! I’d love to see some new patterns… have any to share?

  24. Peggy says:

    Not for my cat, though I’d love to be able to spin his incredibly soft fur (he’s a long-haired cat, a Norwegian Forest Cat aka a Wegie). I’ve made some items for donation and may be making some crocheted dog coats and/or cat toys.

  25. Marion says:

    Even though I have three Chihuahua’s and a Daschhund granddog,I have never made anything for them.But I do crochet blankets for the local animal shelter.I would love to be able to make blankets for all the animal shelters and rescue groups,but there aren’t enough hours in the day!

  26. Sarah Dee says:

    Too bad that dog is wearing a KNITTED sweater…

  27. Donna Putt says:

    Hi…. my daughter has a Shorkie and I want to crochet him a Snuggie.
    I cannot find a pattern.
    Does anyone have one??
    Rachel… maybe you could make a pattern for me and post it in your store?
    He is a puppy and weighs 7 pounds.

  28. Pldrake says:

    I have seen Snugglie patterns for dogs and will try to track one down, and post a link when I find it.

  29. Donna Putt says:

    I am looking for a Snuggie. Mayber it isn’t called that.
    The thing that looks like a blanket with sleeves. I found a pattern to make them for the grandkids and saw one for sale at Boscov’s for a dog.
    A Snugglie I think is something they lay on… this would have sleeves in the front and be open in the back.
    Thank you so much for your help……
    The blanket with sleeves in the front.

  30. Virginia says:

    I try to crochet coats for my jack russells, but I never seem to be able to get the legs right. My mom knows how to crochet or knit anything. Guess I’ll have to beg her to make me a few more!

  31. Vivian Perez says:

    I would love to make my dogs a sweater. Does anyone have a a good pattern?

  32. Susan Barnes says:

    Hey Vivian:

    I have found several nice patterns for dog sweaters online…free, of course! I just did a Google search for “free crochet dog sweater patterns”. You’ll be surprised how many will pop up. If you can’t find any please feel free to email me and I will share the ones I have with you.

    Good luck!

  33. avril says:

    When I decided to buy dog sweaters for my dog, my first choice was a dog shop. then after few months I started my on-line search and found a website with dog clothes. But after buying dog clothes on-line, I saw a dog clothing pattern, very interesting so I’ve tried to make the clothes myself. And guess what, this last method proved to be the best, so now making dog clothes became one of my hobbies.

  34. Isanada3 says:

    I love crocheting and just recently started crocheting for my pups! I have a Maltese, who by nature, has a beautiful long white coat,and a micro Chihuahua who Im having alot of issues finding patterns to crochet sweaters for. There is a ton for medium to small dogs, like my Maltese, but I cannot find any for my xx- small puppy. Do you have any patterns and do you sell them? Or do you have any links you can recommend?

    • Rachel says:

      Hi! I don’t have any dog sweater patterns at the moment, but maybe you can use one of the small dog sweater’s that you find, but crochet it with a smaller crochet hook or a thinner weight yarn to make the sweater smaller. As you crochet it, you can hold it up to your dog to see if you’re on the right track. Have fun with it!

  35. Peggy says:

    Any good ideas for crocheting for a cat (other than the fact that my cat loves to sit on my crochet projects, and the two cats I’m cat-sitting for now love to play with yarn as I’m trying to crochet with it)??

  36. Lisa says:

    does anyone have a pattern for a puppy sweater i have a 6 pound yorkie a 2.5pound chorkie and then a 17pound cocker spaniel and clothing for them are getting expensive

  37. Tash says:

    I haven’t yet but we have recently added a new fur baby to our family, he is a mini foxy x chihuaha and was the runt of his family so he is extra tiny and very sensitive to the cold, so I have been looking around for a (really tiny) crochet jumper pattern for him 🙂

  38. cathie says:

    Where can I find the directions to make the puppy sweater? Thank you.

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