Free Crochet Pattern: Ruffle Scarf

By Rachel Choi – 140 Comments
This ruffle scarf is very simple and easy to crochet. All you need to do is make a nice long chain that is approximately the length of the scarf and keep doubling the number of crochet stitches on each row of the scarf. You can even alternate colors or add a small edging for the last row to make a nifty style. Make a bold fashion statement with this fun and vibrant crocheted scarf.

Skill Level: beginner crochet skill level

Finished Size: 58” (137 cm) long, 5 ½” (14 cm) wide

Medium Weight Yarn (approximately 300 yards of main color, small amount of contrasting color)
Crochet Hook H (5.00 mm)
Yarn Needle
crochet yarn size 4
crochet ruffle-scarf

Gauge: not really important

Need help understanding the abbreviations? Check out the crochet abbreviation chart.

Crochet Pattern: Ruffle Scarf
Row 1: with main color, ch 203, tr in third ch from hook and in each ch across
Row 2 – 4: ch 3, turn, 2 tr in each tr across
Row 5: change to contrasting color, ch 1, turn, sc in each tr across, finish off.

For a thinner scarf, simply make fewer rows that indicated in the pattern. For a shorter scarf, make less chains to start row 1.

If you need help with this pattern, just leave a comment!

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  1. Shay says:


    Thank you for your prompt response. I will be attempting this today. I thought I should go under the “v” shaped stitch but it was not curling so I stopped to ask. I will continue on and let you know if I have anymore questions. I appreciate your help. Enjoy your day!

  2. Shay says:

    I just want to make sure I understand. I am going right under the first “v” and doing 2 tr in every one of those correct? There seems to be a thread right under the “v” and I am wondering if I should be including that? Also should I have skipped the very first “v” or no? When should I start to notice it the ruffles? I am sorry for all the questions but I want this to turn out correctly.

  3. Shay says:

    Sorry for all the post but I am about half way through the 2nd row and it is curling nicely. Thanks again for all your help!

  4. Shay says:

    Thanks Rachel,

    Is there a spot where I can ask general crochet questions not relating to this particular pattern? I have a question about hook sizes and using two different colors at one time.

  5. maggie says:

    do you think it would be possible to add a hidden pocket without making the scarf too bulky? because a friend of mine’s birthday is tomorrow (she’s getting a late birthday present from me) and I want to make her a scarf, and knowing her, she needs extra storage space beside what her purse provides. :0)

    • Rachel says:

      Hi Maggie, sure give it a try! Maybe you can crochet a little square and sew the sides and bottom of it to the scarf to create the pocket.

  6. maggie says:

    I’m using red heart color plum pudding with fun fur color 127, which is gray that in some light has a purplish tint. I can’t wait to try the pocket 🙂

  7. Caroline says:

    Can I just check whether you are using US or UK abbreviations? I looked up tr stitch and its different depending on where the website is based.

  8. Arielle says:

    How many balls of yarn did you use for this? I’m trying to find a cute one skein scarf…

  9. Rachel says:

    Hi Arielle, I used approximately 300 yards. It’s probably isn’t a one skein scarf pattern (unless you have a really large skein of yarn). There are other scarf patterns on the site. Feel free to use the search box at the top of the page and type in “scarf”.

  10. KC says:

    Hi, Rachel,
    I haven’t begun the scarf yet but in readng the instuctions I find I have a question already. When do you incorporate the contrasting color yarn and how much would I need to purchase?

  11. Kelly Pierson says:

    I am just learning how to crochet, and came across this really cool pattern, I am making
    this scarf for my 2 daughters, I am on the 3rd row of trebles in trebles(2-4) and am seeing it start to ruffle nicely…I am sooo excited. Thank-You for a wonderfully fun scarf!! Kelly

  12. […] you ever worked on a spiral scarf and suddenly realized that your 50 stitches has bloomed to 400 and felt like the row would never […]

    • Kathy says:

      Totally. I’m kinda new to crocheting and didn’t really think of the math involved… wondering why the last row (only on a short practice one) was taking so long… laughing at myself. 🙂

  13. Maria says:

    I am so excited! I found this pattern, and did a small trial run to see if I could do it… and it turned out great!! I can’t wait to go get some pretty yarn for this and make some for Christmas gifts! Thank you for the fabulous directions!!

  14. Joanne says:

    I recently finished my scarf and it is so pretty but I realize that it is much too long..I saw a post on here where someone said they had the same problem and they “cut” it in half and sewed it back up…can someone please tell me how to do that?

  15. SUE says:

    hi, I am going to have a go at making this now. I have a few friends coming round for a Crafty Afternoon and I think this will be great to get the beginners start with.

  16. SUE says:

    hi again. is the tr uk tr or usa. the usa tr is a longer stitch, yoh twice before insert into stitch or chain. i am not sure if the stitch should be so long

  17. Roberta L. says:

    Hi I started this and ran out of yarn on my 3rd row how do i keep going with a new skein of yarn do i just tie them together and keep going???? Help……… Thanks

  18. Varsha suraiya says:

    Wow wow looks good .i will start today.i am so glad to have found yr site as it inspires me ever so often and your new ideas keep me going.wish all those yarns were available in India too!

  19. SUE says:

    I have made it and my daughter has taken it, it goes with her new coat… thanks for the pattern it looks lovely and was very easy

  20. MR says:

    Hi. When and how do I incorporate the contrasting trim color? I’m a beginner so be may not be understanding something that is very simple. Thanks. this is adorable.

  21. MR says:

    Thank you!!! this is so cute. Can’t wait to finish.

  22. Alex says:

    LOVE this scarf

  23. NJD says:

    Not sure I follow Row 1. “tr in third ch from hook and in each row ch across”. What do you do in the first row? tr in each ch? 2 tr in each ch?

    • Rachel says:

      NJD, you’re going to make your first tr in the third chain from your hook. If you count the chains, starting from the closest one to your hook, the third one is the one that you’re going to make your first tr stitch in. Then, you are going to make one tr stitch in each of the remaining chains.

  24. Jen says:

    Im using varigted yarn for this pattern and having trouble! I dont know what or how do do a treble crochet so Im just doing a double crochet instead. But it doesn’t look right to me. Im having trouble being that my yarn is verigated and is “spiraly” its hard to see my chains. Any hints or help?

    Thank You!!!

  25. Erika says:

    Rachel, I love this scarf! I am almost finished making one using a Christmas multicolored yarn. This is super easy! Thanks for such a cute and simple pattern 🙂

  26. Leah says:

    Have you tried this scarf with any other stitches? I was wondering if you can make it with double crochets.

    • Rachel says:

      Hi Leah, I’ve crocheted similar scarves in other stitches, like double crochet. You should be able to crochet this scarf with double crochet too. Your finished Scarf will be a little more narrow than the one in the photo.

  27. Angela says:

    I seems to be using way more than the 300 yards mentioned in the pattern and I can’t figure out why. This is my first real project where the amount of yarn has mattered, so I’m not sure if this is normal… am I doing something wrong?

    • Rachel says:

      Hi Angela, I did crochet pretty tight when I made mine, so that might be why I used less yarn. I wouldn’t worry about it too much though, since gauge isn’t that important for this pattern.

  28. Abby says:

    I finally decided to use your pattern after testing a few ruffle patterns. I just have one question. I’m not a fan of the treble stitch. would this work with a double stitch instead? i would probably do an extra row before the finishing row to get the same width.
    PS, i can’t wait to start (and finish) this scarf. It looks perfect for both winter and accessory wear.

  29. Holly says:

    I LOVE this scarf. I am almost finished with it and it is really fun. Thanks for the great pattern. Super simple and easy to understand!

  30. Erin says:

    I’m confused w/ the first row directions for the ruffle scarf.
    After I chain 203, I triple crochet in the 3rd ch from the hook – i got that part.
    then you say “and in each row, chain across”. i dont know what that means – there is only 1 row – the chain we just did. ?? help.

    Row 1: with main color, ch 203, tr in third ch from hook and in each row ch across

  31. Marlene says:

    I’m making this right now and it is so cute! It is also relatively quick and east to make. Thank you for posting!

  32. Robyn says:

    I am about one third of the way done with my fourth row. I used a 355yd skein of yarn from Hobby Lobby, but I am getting worried that I will run out before I complete the last row. Could I switch to a dc on the fourth row instead of the tr, if I find out I don’t have enough yarn to do tr on the fourth row? Thanks!!

  33. Sheila says:

    I’ve tried crocheting before and was not very successful. Your web site is just what I needed. Thank you!

  34. Angie says:

    Hi! Maybe one of you can help me/offer some advice? I’m trying to make this, but I’m having trouble making the ruffles. I have really nice curls at the start of my 2nd row, goes flat in the middle and then kind of cures again at the end, the more rows I add, the less defined the curls get. I’m double checking and I am putting 2trc in each stitch. Does this pattern have as many curls as shown in the picture? Do the curls alternate directions or is it a spiral all the way through?

    • Rachel Choi says:

      Hi Angie, the pattern is for what is pictured. Depending on how you lay or hold the scarf it can look differently though. As long as you are doubling the number of stitches on each row, it will create the ruffle look. The more rows the fuller it will get.

  35. Christine says:

    Only on the 2nd row & it’s already starting to ruffle! I am so excited!!! Using a very soft yarn…can’t wait to wear it…

  36. faye H says:

    when you tun do you pick up both loops or second loop only

  37. nana says:

    on row 2 after you ch3 do you tr in the same st as ch?

  38. faye H says:

    When you turn do you pickup both loops or back loop only

    • Rachel Choi says:

      You don’t pick up any loops when you’re turning. When you turn, you just turn your work 180 degrees so that you can work in the opposite direction. You should only have the loop that’s on your hook when you finished your last stitch on the row.

  39. LaceAngel says:

    I prefer a “flat piece” to rest around my neck with the spirals cascading down from each side, so I did about 8″/12″ flat (no increases) in the middle of the scarf (use stitch markers to indicate where to place this). Still have the “beauty”, but I think it “rests better” and does keep the neck warmer, while still being “fashionable”.

  40. Belle says:

    If I wanted to make this wider what would I do? What would I do if I wanted a more pronounced ruffle? I absolutely love this pattern but want to add a little flair to it for my niece. Any info would be so very appreciated

  41. Damaris Abreu says:

    Hi Rachel!!!! I just made my first ruffled scarf using your pattern. It was really easy. Thank you for sharing your pattern with me. Have an awesome day

  42. Marie says:

    Hi Rachel, just wanted to thank you for sharing this amazing pattern. It allowed me to make three scarves as Christmas gifts! Thank you so much! 🙂 Happy New Year!

  43. Lyn says:

    Thank you for posting this. I made this with no problems..pattern easy to read and easy to crochet! Thanks!!

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