How to Crochet
By Rachel Choi – 47 CommentsYou want to learn how to crochet? Great! Here you will find the tutorials to get you started. If you have no idea how to crochet, this is the perfect place to learn how. No matter how old (or young) you are, learning to crochet is pretty easy. Best of all, it doesn’t take much time to get started. I bet you can learn a basic stitch right now!
The Fundamentals
Before getting into the crochet stitches, let’s review some fundamentals you’ll need to know before starting.
How to Hold a Crochet Hook – there are lots of different ways to hold a crochet hook. In fact, there isn’t a correct or incorrect way to hold your hook. I mean, if you can hold your hook with your foot and crochet, that would be awesome! Take a quick look at the tutorial to see common ways of holding a crochet hook. Choose one that feels comfortable. As you crochet, you can experiment to find out which method is right for you.
How to Hold Yarn in Crochet – Just like there are lots of ways to hold a crochet hook, there are lots of ways to hold your yarn. The tutorial will demonstrate several techniques for holding your yarn. The best technique for you is the one that allows you to easily hold and control the yarn by pulling/providing tension. You probably won’t know which one is right for you until you start crocheting, so let’s get you started right now!
Basic Crochet Stitches
Below are the basic crochet stitches to get you started on your crochet learning adventure! Start at the top of the list and work at your own pace. You might not get it all done in one day, but you can probably go though 2 or 3 tutorials right now. Remember to have fun and not worry too much about your stitches being perfect.
How to Crochet: Slip Knot – all crochet projects starts with a slip knot on your hook. This tutorial will show you how to make one so that you can start crocheting.
How to Crochet: Chain (ch) – chains are the foundation of a crochet project, but can also be used in the body of a project along with other crochet stitches.
How to Crochet: Single Crochet Stitches (sc) – single crochet stitches are like the meat of crochet stitches. It’s what I like to call the first “real” crochet stitch you’ll learn.
How to Crochet: Double Crochet Stitches (dc) – double crochet stitches are very similar to single crochet stitches. The difference is that a double crochet is double the height.
There are plenty of crochet stitches and techniques to learn, but as long as you can learn the basics as listed above, you can learn the rest as you go.
What next?
Once you feel comfortable crocheting basic stitches, it’s time to move on and crochet some fun things! There are hundreds of crochet patterns to choose from right here on Crochet Spot, you can either use the search box at the top of the page to search for something, or you can leisurely roam through the crochet archives.
Let me know if you need any help learning how to crochet!
Hi Rachel,
first off let me say I love your site, thanks fro your generosity.
I have seen this “new”stitich called a single crochet foundation row or a chainless foundation row. I don’t get it…I am having a really tough time with this and also, when I am crochet in the round and not joining then why is my hat still looking like a circle? Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong?
Thanks for any and all help,
hugs, Michele
Michele, here is my tutorial of the single crochet foundation: How to Crochet: Foundation Single Crochet (fsc). Let me know which step you are having trouble with. Also, I’m not sure what pattern you are using for your hat, if it is one of my patterns then I’ll be happy to help you with it, just let me know which one it is. Else, you can always ask the designer of the pattern for help, he/she will be able to help you the best.
[…] that require lots of step-by-step photos for basic stitches, you’ll be better off using the How to Crochet tutorials here on Crochet […]
Hi Rachel,
I have a question about RS and WS in crochet. I am working on this pattern (Northfield Two-Way Jacket) and found that it used RS and WS written in the pattern. What are they for? Is it to help us see which side would the outside and the other would be the inside once we wear the garment? I am at the point where I am going to make a turn and starting new section in this pattern where it is WS and it was on the RS before. Then, what I should do? Just mark that this section started with a WS and keep on crocheting as the pattern says, or I should do something else? I hope you get this comment ASAP since I can not wait longer than a day to keep on crochet otherwise I will go banana … Thank you so much Rachel! I am inspired by your blog! Devy
Hi Devy, Here is a post that will explain it all: Right Side and Wrong Side in Crochet
And yes, you can just mark the item so you know which side is which.
My aunt is trying to learn to crochet. I was trying to help teach her, but I’m not much more than a beginner myself, and she is left handed… Does anyone have any tips on helping her out???
Hi Megan, you can start with the tutorials linked in this post. The photos in the tutorial are for both left handers and right handers so maybe you can take a look at them together.
Thank you, Rachel. When I go back to her house I will deffinately show her this.
I am so happy I found this site!!! Helpful basics and cute patterns that make me want to learn more. Awesome!
I am so impressed with this site…. and I want to share it with my friends in my country because it is very helpful. Can I write your link in my blog?
Sure Melania, you can link to this site
The more I read you site, the better I like it.
I have a question about the types of yarns. I bought a ‘grab bag’ of yarns. I see that some are 100% wool, some are acrylic, etc. Quite a few are balls or partial skeins of yarn w/o labels. I found one that I wanted to use for a project, but wasn’t sure of the content, so I crocheted a swatch, then machine washed and dried it (it didn’t felt, so I could use it for the project I had in mind).
Is there a easy or quick way to see if the yarn will felt?
Hi Valorie, I don’t think there’s a way to see if it’ll felt without felting it, at least not that I can think of. But smaller swatches will felt faster and you can also felt by shaking your swatch in a container of hot/warm water if you don’t feel like using the washing machine. Just be careful not to burn yourself if you’re using a container!
I have just joined today and ended up here – been reading the posts
Megan asked back on 28th November 2010 for help teaching a left handed person how to crochet
You as the teach, need to sit if front of a mirror and you crochet as normal and your Aunt can watch how it is done
hope this helps
I am brand new to crocheting and, although i can read patterns and know a few different stitches, I’m have a hard time doing anything with a pattern. This is probably the dumbest question you have ever heard, but I’m really confused about the gauge part of the patterns. If i am using a different hook to achieve a different size do i just follow through that part but ignore the sizing? Any help is appreciated!
Hi Manda, here’s a post about gauge that may help answer your question: What the Heck is a Gauge?
Basically a gauge is used to make sure that you are crocheting with the same tension that the designer crocheted with in order to make sure that your finished item turns out to the be the same size as what is intended. You should use a crochet hook that will give you the correct gauge, even if it is not the size the designer used.
It would be really useful if you could post a master list of stitches and possibly rank them in order of complexity – i.e. in what order to learn them in.
If you already have a post of this then could you link me to it.
Asprin, I would suggest learning the basic stitches in the order listed in this post. Once you know those, every crochet stitch you want to learn is simply a variation of those stitches so you can learn them in any order you desire. Maybe you can pick the ones you are most interested in and start with those. Have fun learning!
I am commenting even though it’s been years since you asked your question, There are literally thousands ofcrochet stitches, but don’t let that discourage you. Crochet is a growing art/craft. I began almost 50 years ago, and I constantly see new stitches. All crochet starts with a chain stitch(ch). That is like a link in a fence or necklace. From there, every stitch comes from a single crochet (sc ) or double crochet (dc). If you take it slowly by learning a stitch or two a week, you can learn it, too. The mistake people make is that they want to make a sweater, or vest, but don’t really want to learn crochet. That is where frustration sets in. It also makes it hard because they don’t know the lNguage of crochet (which is just abbreviations of stitch names). But anyway, there are a gazillion You tubers that teach crochet. I have learned to watch videos first, rather than jumping in to join the YouTuber in whatever she’s making, unless I know her work. A “ self taught†crocheter usually is someone that’s made it up as she/he has gone along, so their terms and abbreviations are foreign. Actually, that’s not true of everyone. I a learned the basics from an ElementRy teacher and then taught myself from there. I use all the appropriate abbreviations, etc. A good place to start is with Lion Brand or Red heart. The yarn makers can be trusted to label their patterns according to skill level.
Thanks, a specific category would make the archive easier to search but I think I have bookmarked most of them.
Duh………….why didn’t think of that. Just to simple I guess LOL.
Thanks ever so much _I really like this stich and could never accomplish it because each row
would be smaller.
Again thanks .I’ll be making a purse with the HDC.
Lillian Avon Ohio
I am just beginning to get serious about crocheting. You website is very helpful. Thank you. I’m sure I will be returning,lots.
How do you do two (2) single crochets in a single stitch ? I’m trying to make a cookie.
Btw… this site is awsome! totslly helpfull, really useful and an invaluable tool to crocheters far and wide. I salute you, Crochet Queen. \m/
– <3 –
Hi Amy, you’d do the first single crochet as you normally would. Then start the second single crochet by inserting your hook into the same stitch that you inserted your first single crochet into (instead of inserting your hook into the next stitch). That way both single crochets are started by inserting your hook into the same stitch.
Hi Rachel, your website has been very helpful for me. Thank you! I’m making my first “thing” and am at the end do my yarn. How do I add a new skein of yarn?
Hi Janet, you can use this tutorial to see how:
It is actually a tutorial for how to change colors in crochet, but it’s the same method you would use to add a new skein, just that you’ll be using the same colored yarn instead of changing the color.
Hi Rachel,
I love your site. I m making a small crochet purse with a handle but im confused wih his sentence. I was wondering if you could explain this sentence to me. It is the handle of he purse.
16: Ch 1 (does not count as st), work 1 sc in same st as join and in each of the next 12 sts, work 40 sc over ch-30, 1 sc in each of the next 13 sts, 40 sc over ch-30 — 106 sts.
How do you work 40 stitches over 30. How do I get 106 stitches. All around I started with 66 stitches until I added the 30 for the handle.
Have I completely confused you? An help is appreciated.
Hi Rose, I think the pattern wants you to work in the space that is crocheted by the ch-30 that you made on the previous row. Here’s a post about chain spaces and how to work in them: What is a Chain Space (ch-sp)?
You stitch count will be 13 + 40 + 13 + 40 = 106
Thank you for your quick reply. I’m sure you are a very busy person. I will try it. I’ve never heard or done that stitch.
Thanks again,
I love to crochet and quite often find a knit pattern that I wish I could find in crochet instead, but to no avail. Any tips or hints on how to take a knit pattern and make a crochet item instead? Many thanks, Karen
Hi Rachel,
I’m a self taught crochet nut.. I purchased a pattern off the web and I’m have trouble trying to figure the difference in two stitches. I wrote the writer or the pattern and she never responded. I hope you can help me.
The pattern calls for|
HDC3TOG. Which means half double crochet 3 stitches together. The other
5hdctog… Which I don’t know if this is a typo or if I’d means 5 HDCTOG stitches….
Hi Suzanne!
hdc3tog and hdc5tog are similar, but different. The hdc5tog is worked across 5 stitches versus the hdc3tog, which is worked over 3 stitches. Here’s a link to our half double crochet decrease tutorial: How to Crochet: Half Double Crochet Decrease
Be sure to read the note after step 8 when you get to it. It’ll explain how to work over more than the typical 2 stitches (for hdc2tog).
Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I will check out the tutorial!!
I have CMC in my left hand thumb. I can no longer use my thumb and index finger to maintain tension of the yarn. Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this with using my thumb? Thanks!
Hi Rachel trying crochet the sock from the bottom up have gotten to the trapezoid and am stuck !!! Thanks
Hi Sue! Send me an email at and I can help in detail. Let me know which part of the trapezoid you are on, row 1 and 2 or row 3 with the slip stitches.
When American crochet patterns, how do I convert the wool to English? Thank you in anticipation.
American and English crochet patterns have different names for the wools how do I convert them? Thank you
Hi Jill, you can find some different yarn names on this page:
Also, here’s another table that may help
My crochet needles have letters my yarn has number what is the conversion?
Hi Sonya! Here’s a chart with the crochet hook letter and number/millimeter conversion:
Hi Rachel! Thank you for your emails containing great patterns and for a fantastic website. I see someone asked about a single crochet foundation row. I am struggling with the double crochet foundation row. Just when think I get it I lose it lol. Please help. Thank you
Hi Greta!
Here’s a link to the foundation double crochet tutorial if you haven’t seen it already:
I am crocheting baby which calls for stitch fpdtog I am not familiar with term tog can you clarify this term for me? Thanks, linda
The “tog” is the abbreviation for “together”, to make a decrease. Here is our double crochet 2 together tutorial for you to get an idea of how it is done:
In your instructions you will do a front post stitch rather than a regular double crochet that is shown in the tutorial, but the idea is the same.
Hi I am a seamstress and have no knowledge of crochet. I am interested in learning crochet to make lace and yokes due the dresses I make. I am not interested in crochet where the final product looks like know fabric with no holes. I like the kind of crochet where it looks like lace , like floral or some design with lot of holes. I do not know how to term it. Can you please help me which book will be useful for me ? A book which will teach to make lace crochet and also how to mage yoke shape etc meanwhile I will browser your site for all the reviews you posted but your suggestion here will be great. Thanks
I would do a search for crochet yoke patterns. Find a lacy pattern that you would like to try and crochet, preferable a beginner or easy pattern to start. Then you can learn the stitches that that pattern requires. We don’t have a lot of yoke patterns on the site, so I would recommend doing a simple google search. You can learn the basic crochet techniques as mentioned in this post here on Crochet Spot, they are the foundation for anything crocheted. Have fun with it!