I’m 21!
By Rachel Choi – 50 CommentsFor some reason turning 21 is suppose to be some big celebration, but I’m not really sure why. Today I’ll probably work, eat, sleep and breath just like I normally do.
So if you can tell me what’s so great about turning 21, that would be awesome! Or if you’d like to share what you did or will do on your 21st birthday, that would be awesome too! |
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Happy birthday! I’m almost 30 but still living boringly… as people usually do. In Finland you are legally an adult at the age of 18. That’s why turning 18 is more important here than turning 21.
Happy Birthday! I didn’t see what the big deal was about 21 either.
Happy Birthday!! Have a great day.
Happy Birthday Rachel! Thank you for all the really neat patterns that are so easy to follow. I really enjoy your site. Thanks for being so great. I hope you have a really wonderful birthday.
Congratulations on your Birthday and your store opening – hope it goes well for you.
Hey my brother’s birthday is today too! Happy Birthday Rachel and good luck in your store.
Thanks everyone!! and happy birthday to your brother Anna!
Aww, happy birthday! I didn’t do the traditional going out 21st birthday. My bf at the time threw me a small dinner party with my closest friends. I loved it. I hope your day is fantastic!
happy birthday Rachel! go crochet your own birthday cake! thats what i’d do, hehehe. but WHEN i turn 21.. in a little over a year, my mom and i plan on taking a trip to las vegas. boyfriend might come along too, if possible :] and i dont wanna remember any of it! lol
Happy Birthday! Have fun, but make sure it’s the fun you can and want to remember the next day!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a blessed day.
hey Rachel,
tis my birthday next sunday, although sadly not my 21st heh.
Happy 21st ya lil crab
I really don’t see the big deal, in fact I don’t even remember what I did on my 21st…… alcohol dancing and being silly probably. Have you got any plans? I hope you have a lovely day anyways
hey! we have the same birthday! i don’t really know what’s great about 21, it was alright. 22 isn’t shaping up to be anything crazy out of the ordinary either, though.
happy birthday yesterday to the both of us!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Hrm…I vaguely remember my 21st birthday. I seem to recall a lot of shot glasses lined up in front of me…..not much else after that.
Of course, being 110 years old, it was a long time ago. (at least, I feel that way some days!)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday,
I hope it was a happy one
My 21st birthday was 31yrs ago and I was working full time and it was a great time with all the parties I went to.
Happy Birthday Rachel, I remember having a party for my 21st, as in Australia you were classed as an adult at 21 but then they lowered the age to 18 so my kids celebrated their 18th.
I think all birthdays end up being a great way to Celebrate your Life… I had mine last week so hope you have had a wonderful day & best wishes for a creatively crochet crafty year ahead for you… OOroo… Bethel
Happy Birthday! Man, 21I suppose is the legal drinking and so some people love that. Me, not a drinker, so 21 was just another day to me. Work, college, breathe. I got married the year I turned 21 so that’s why I loved turning 21. My birthday is on Tuesday…a whopping 36 now! Now I’m closer to 40 than I am to 30…strangely, I kinda like that :o) Enjoy your birthday…eat cake…lots and lots of cake!
Happy Belated Birthday Rachel! I wish I’m 21 again…=)
All the best on your store!
Lots of hugs from Malaysia!
Happy Belated b-day!! I’ve been so busy crocheting that I have’nt been on your site in the last few days!
Too many b-days have gone by to remember my 21st… I’m sure I did something stupid, that would have been my way of things back then..LOL
Enjoy your time now and ALWAYS eat your dessert first! cuz after 40 it stays on your hips!
Thanks for a great website and your friendship!
Well my 21st birthday (last year) was horrible. Absolutely nothing went right and the lady at the DMV embarrassed me when I tried to get my license renewed and that put me in a bad mood. I would just prefer to never think of it again. Thankfully my 22nd bday (which I just had on July 2nd) was a lot better and I got my license renewed without being embarrassed. As for why its supposedly so thrilling to be 21…I guess it might only be if you drink. I don’t so it didn’t matter to me as long as I’m living the number doesn’t matter. Most of my bdays don’t work out well and it always seems to rain. Happy late birthday by the way!!!
It’s great to be 21 because you can come to Las Vegas and really enjoy yourself!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one.
Thanks for your great website. I’ve learnt loads from you.
Happy Birthday. Nothing special to me about turning 21. I went to work and came home. But I’ve never been a big celebrator…..I think 16, 18 and 21 are the “special” birthdays because of legal limits being lifted. You can drive at 16, 18 you’re legally an adult, and 21 is that magical age of legally consuming alcohol (not so magical for someone like me who doesn’t drink, but eh).
So happy birthday again!!!
Hi Rachel— Happy Birthday! Today is my birthday too..I am 29 again!….Hope you have a great day! Take Care
Happy birthday, Rachel!
Hey Rachael,
Happy Brithday!!!! Age is what you make of it. When I was 21 I was getting ready to be a mom! At 30, it was just another day, and at 40, I can say that is when I felt my most sexiest, hottest. 50 again another day, now that I am rapidly approaching 60, I am grateful for each day.
Bottom line, you are the only one who can make it what it should be. Enjoy!
Feliz cumpleanos a ti….
Happy Birthday Rachel!
Hi Rachael,Happy brithday! When i became 21 it means that i was an adult for the law and i could vote. Now thats different. when i became 21, i was married and i was a student. Now i’m 53 and every year i learn things that make my live more meaningfull and wiser. I celebrate my birthday by me one and went out of the house, Its great on that day to be alone i can do everything i want. Only last year i have celebrate it with a person who is working with me.
I hope that you have a great party too. But every year is to celberate your live.
greetings jet
well when I turned 21 the big deal then was that I could now buy booze. And that I could go into a bar. Other then that not much else.
Happy Birthday Rachel!
Really, if you’re not a drinker (I am not myself) then it’s really not that big of a deal! But hope you have a great and fun day no matter what you do on your b’day! Cheers!
Happy Birthday Rachel!
Hi Rachel – and a very Happy 21st to you. I remember mine – many summers ago! It was a great feeling, finally feeling like a grown-up! Hope you have a great day and thanks for all your lovely patterns and posts.
Happy Birthday, Rachael! Hope your birthday is the best ever! Oh, go ahead and celebrate, have a good time, a just pretend it’s a big deal. Honor those who send their wishes to you! Thanks for your creations.
Blessings, Donna
Happy Belated Birthday. I hope it was good. For my 21st I ended up going to a doctor’s appointment, going to work, and taking a nap. lol. We were having flood and tornado warnings that day so I didn’t want to go out (plus I was pregnant). I’ll be 22 soon, and so far no plans other than yet another doctor’s appointment and then work. I have an entertaining life like that.
When I was 21 it was a big deal, coming of age and all that. Now no big deal! Just enjoy the age you are and live it. Don’t listen to what people say about different ages, just be yourself and do what YOU want to do. Its your life after all. Loving your crochet spot.
Happy birthday and many more enjoy everyone to the fullest. Take care.
Happy Birthday! Unfortunately, it is has been a while since my 21st…
I do remember enjoying those years, though. Your 21st is a big deal, and it should be a special day for you. Do what you want to all day, and enjoy it. It only comes around once in your life. If I were you, I would try to milk it for all its worth all this week, too.
My only bit of advice is to stay hydrated, use a good (age-appropriate) moisturizer and don’t forget the (daily) sunscreen. Eat healthy and enjoy goodies in moderate quantities, except on your birthday. Have a blessed and good one! BTW-I’m 43.
Happy Birthday Rachel!!!
For some reason turning 21 is a big deal for some because they can get served in the bars LOL
For most it means being an adult. In some places it’s 18 so it depends on where you are at.
Enjoy your big day and I’m sure you have found your own way to celebrate.
Happy Birthday:-D I’m not too sure what’s so great about 21 either. It’s probably the drinking, but I don’t drink so it really didn’t mean anything to me. I actually started to feel old when I turned 21. And 22 and 23 and 24 and it’s probably just going to get worse :'(
Happy Birthday! Turning 21 is a big deal. Its another leap you jumped in life and I’m 30 and I would love to have that birthday again. It’s the beginning of your life as an adult; you feel free, alive and ready to face the world head on. You do great so don’t worry about it. Hope u find your own meaning of turning 21. And then you can pass it on to others turning 21.
Happy 21st birthday!
Well, over here in Singapore, during my time about 20 plus years ago (not sure about now), turning 21 is a big event. It’s when you’re considered a legal adult. There will be a big birthday party thrown for both friends and relatives and presents (especially from parents, relatives) will be a key pendant (for gold chain). Probably that’s is the key to our future?
Once again Happy Birthday!
Congratulations on your 21st!
Happy belated birthday Rachel! May you have a wonderful year ahead and a great life! 21 was just another number for me:)
Hey, turning 21 is a big deal!!!! You’re officially an adult!!!!
Besides, every year takes you closer to that all mysterious age: the golden years…hehe
Anyway, have a gorgeous day, get lots of hugs, starting with mine, and make a list of all the blessings you have received in the last 21 years of your life. That alone is enough reason to celebrate bigtime!!!!!!!!!
I was 21 for three years in a row! I don’t know why, but I was so looking forward to being “of legal age” that when I was 20, if anyone asked me “how old are you?”, I automatically said “21”…then it would hit me and I’d have to back down and say “No, I’m not…I’m 20.” Then, of course I was 21 for a year, and I guess I liked it so much, that the next year, I kept thinking I was still 21…then would have to back down and admit that I was 22! Crazy, huh? I’ve never fixated on an age since. If that happened to me at my current age, people would just look and me and say “poor old thing…she’s gettin’ senile”!
Belated happy birthday! Hope you had a good one
I guess if you live in the states turning 21 means you can legally drink/buy alcohol and drink at bars. Since I live in Canada 21 means nothing since we can drink at 19. So, I don’t see what is important about 21 either, turning 19 on the other hand hahaha, thats a different story.