Jumpstart a Crocheted Christmas
By Emilee Gettle – 3 CommentsDuring the holidays I love to give handmade gifts. I think it adds a sentiment that our society as a whole has devalued in the past. Something from the store new and shiny definitely has appeal. Whatever that item might be, it will grow old in time and it will need to be replaced. However, the afghan from Grandma is priceless and is still in use years later! Something handmade is like a hug from a loved one. You can put your heart and soul into this gift. Hand crocheted presents can boast something that no other store bought gift can and that is love… straight from the heart!
Want to make a handmade Christmas a reality?
It’s time to get down to business. Grab a piece of paper and jot down some ideas. Try to think up some quick and easy projects and some that require more time. Here is an incomplete list of suggestions:
Quickies: Potholders Nylon Scrubbers Washcloths Towel Toppers Ornaments Beaded Crochet Jewelry Bookmark Crochet Edged Pillowcase Crochet Edged Hankie Finger Puppets Small Toys Baby Booties Coaster Set Hair Accessories |
Time Consumers: Afghan Scarf and Hat set Sweater Shawl Baby Layette Ornate Doily Large Toy Purse Slippers Child’s Dress |
Keep Your Hands Busy!
Okay, so you’ve decided what projects you will add to your arsenal. Now, let’s figure out how much time you have left. Our clock is ticking away and we want to save the most money and create the most gifts as possible. You know your speed at crocheting, so you’ll be a great judge as to how many small and large projects you can complete and how many are on your gift list. Why not give yourself the goal of creating at least two small items a week and one large gift every three weeks. At this point, we have 16 weeks left for crocheted Christmas gift creation, in this amount of time you could complete 32 small gifts and 5 large gifts. Not too shabby! We all know that by grabbing a few minutes here and there a project can be completed relatively quickly. So keep your projects close at hand, work on them while cooking or watching TV and even while traveling. Before long you’ll be surprised at what a little elf you’ve become and how much money you can put back into your own stocking!
Hint: Check out one of Rachel’s past posts about crochet gifting!
Are you working on some Christmas presents? Do you have any crocheted gift suggestions? Please share!
To the wise Emilee: I’ve never even thought of putting myself on a schedule! LOL I just stockpile projects all year. This is the first year that I actually have a list of crochet requests and your sage advice will be heeded.
This is an awesome list! Our community center is having a craft show in October and the senior citizens group is going to have a table to raise money for charity. I will suggest the things on your list! Thanks!
So glad you liked the article, ladies! Hope you have fun!