Longwood Garden’s Flowers

By Rachel Choi – 22 Comments
This weekend I went to Longwood Gardens! If anyone is ever in the PA area I would definitely take a trip out there to see all the beautiful flowers in bloom. I was disappointed that I didn’t get to see everything and that the pretty fountains weren’t turned on. But then again I guess it leaves something to look forward to next time. There were so many flowers there that I have never seen before and now I’m inspired to crochet them! Look out here comes my crochet hook! The picture to the right is pretty goofy. It’s of me and a bush trimmed into a dog, lol. There was a whole section of silly bushes like this! longwood

Here are pictures of some of the flowers that I saw!!!

longwood longwood longwood
longwood longwood longwood
longwood longwood

Most of the flowers were in the conservatory (a.k.a. the giant green house). It was laid out very elegantly. I could sit in there all day long and listen to the waterfall! It was so relaxing. Here are pictures of inside the conservatory.

longwood longwood

There was even a cool bell tower!!!

I was so excited when I looked in a tree and saw this giant piece of fruit! I’m not exactly sure what it is, maybe a grape fruit? There was also the very photogenic bird that I encountered on one of the trails. It was posing so I thought I have to take a picture of it!

longwood longwood

I definitely had a great time! Now I’m ready to start crocheting those flowers! Look out Spring, here comes my crochet hook! Does anyone have a favorite flower?

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  1. em says:

    Hey, that reminds me of the Missouri Botanical gardens in st. louis. If you ever swing around my neck of the woods, you should check it out! (only I don’t think we have silly bushes :))

  2. sarah says:

    that place looks amazing! lovely piccies. white lilys are my fav flower. whats yours?

  3. Monique says:

    HI Rachel,
    I am in love with crocheting flowers right now. I will share my patterns with you. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  4. Rachel says:

    Hi Monique!
    I love crochet flowers too! They don’t die, lol.

    I’m a sucker for roses Sarah! But I can’t believe that there were so many interesting flowers, my favorite might chance now and then 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    That is a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing the beauty with us! I love roses but sunflowers are my favorite flower. I am recovering from surgery so seeing this pretty post brightened my day. Thanks Rachel. 🙂


  6. sarah says:

    Michelle, I hope you are surrounded by sunflowers right now as they symbolise,health and longevity. always good to aid healing 😀

  7. Debbi says:

    What great photos. (Those would be great for a “relaxation’ screen saver) I think any flower would be pretty. A lilly would be nice. I don’t think there ar enough crochet patterns for flowers out there.

  8. Joy says:

    I would like to make a mans brim hat for a lady do u have any pattern.

    • Rachel says:

      Hi Joy! I don’t have any patterns for a brimmed hat yet, but I will keep it in mind for when I go to make more patterns to put up! Thanks for asking 🙂

  9. Erika says:

    That’s almost heart-breakingly beautiful. Thanks for the pictures!

  10. Joanna says:

    I’d love to go there someday. You should see the NY Botanical Gardens. My favorite flower is one that my Father grew it was a Royal Purple Bearded Iris.

  11. Deborah says:

    Your pictures are beautiful! Spring has sprung!

  12. Rachel says:

    I haven’t been to the NY Botanical Gardens yet! Thanks for telling em about then Joanna! The Royal Purple Bearded Iris sounds really pretty 🙂

    Spring has sprung! I’m so glad for it Deborah!

    Thanks for the awesome comments 🙂

  13. Patsy says:

    Great photos! Would love to see a crochet pattern for a Bluebonnet, the state flower of Texas, seems no one has ever come up with one, but I’ll
    bet you could!

  14. Tammy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your trip to Longwood Gardens! I live in Lancaster, about an hour’s drive. We used to go every year, and I still haven’t seen everything!

    I haven’t been there for several years now – your post sent me back to wonderful memories of finding hidden places, incredible beauty, and I hope you got to see the fountain show!

    • Rachel says:

      Hey Tammy!
      I was so disappointed they didn’t have the fountains on when I went 🙁 I heard so many great things about the fountains and the fountain show with fireworks. O well, next time I’ll have to call before I go and ask them if they turned their fountains on lol. It leaves something to look forward to next time 🙂

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