Raising Money for Charity
By Rachel Choi – 15 CommentsI want to pick a charity to donate a portion of my earnings from the Crochet Spot Store that I’ll be opening June 29th, which by the way is coming up very soon! I got this idea when a friend of mine had a birthday party and themed it to raise money to fight pediactric cancer. I thought this was a great idea!!! Although I’m not a big party person, I thought that it would be a great opportunity to use my store grand opening to help raise some money for a good cause. I’m not sure exactly how much I’ll be donating yet, but I can tell you that it will be a nice percentage.
I have some great charities in mind, but do you have any in mind?? Feel free to tell me about a charity even if it’s not crochet related!
We’ve been thinking of working with yarn shops to help support the women Rwanda Knits supports. You could be the first one! Rwanda Knits provides technical training on US-made hand operated knitting machines and crocheting skills to very low income women, HIV+ women and women victims of gender-violence. The program is 5 years old and has another 1-2 years before the nearly 1,000 women in 30 knitting cooperatives RK supports are self sufficient. Partner with us and meet the women of the new Cooperative Union, just formed. Thanks for considering us!
Hi Cari!
Thanks for telling me about Rowanda Knits!!! I’m going to check out the site right now
Hi,I did my first project. It was cell phone case. Instead of a full flap I did a small flap and use a button for closure instead of doing the flower. Not quit sure how to do the flower yet. But it turned out great. I’ll send you a picture of it.
Talk to you later.
Rachel did you know that woman like myself volunteer our time to agencies like HWAC?
HWAC if a safe haven for woman and children of domestic abuse. These woman have extremely low self esteem so, woman like myself volunteer there time to teach these woman how to crochet, knit, and scrapbook. It gives these woman a sense of accomplishment, the rewarding feeling that we all know when you finish a project that your proud of.
Most of the woman who voluteer often buy supplies with their own money but you could donate supplies to an agency.
There are many woman shelter that have persons voluteering to teach woman a craft who need supplies.
Woman and Children need help right here in the United States.
Ps: I am testing your pockent book pattern, I am going to teach 10-12 yr olds this summer and I thought your slouchy and pocket book would be great projects. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Gloriana for letting me know! I’ll look into some places around me that could use some help
I didn’t even think about buying supplies for an agency.
I think that Soldiers’ Angels would be a great charity. We do have a crochet team but our purpose is to support our military while they are deployed. As an Angel, you are asked to send 1 letter and week and 1 care pkg a month. We provide wounded soldiers with a backpack when they arrive at Landstuhl Hospital, with sleep pants, t-shirt, hygiene items, socks, and a phone card. There are many teams that also do excellent work. Check us out!
Awesome! I’ll definitely have a look Sharon
I do a lot of crocheting for Newborns in Need, and they could always use money to help defray the costs of deliveries to the hospitals, stamps and other clerical needs. I’m sure there is a chapter in your area if you want to know more.
Thanks Shelli! I’ll look at the Newborns in Need site too!!!
Hey Rachel,
I’m trying to get help with my grandson whom is 15 months old, on 6/8/09 he had major surgery an had a growth removed they could not get it all. It was a solid mass that went across his forhead from ear to ear it was putting preasure on his brain he has go to the web site this comes up with now warning signs the gov. will not help wih fundings to do resurch for this IT IS A KILLER,
Mavrick is the 5th case to be treated at ScottishRite Childrens Hospital in Atlanta Ga. the only way to treat it is with Chemo it is not Cancer but it act’s like Cancer.
the way his was found to make it short he took a nap woke up with his eye lid drooping, took him to his dr. dr treaten it for infection with no infection present, 2 weeks went by he took a nap woke up with eye swollen, took him to the dr, Dr said I don’t know whats wwrong took him to his eye dr, he said he did not knnow what was wrong sent him to hospital for CT Scan, they seen something an then next day did MRI they seen the large mass, scheuled him for surgery on 6/8/09.
They could not get it all, It had eaten thru the bone it hit the nerve to his eye lid, If it had not been for that, they would not have found out thta he had it. This stuff eats tissiue an bone it can get in the bone and organs, their is no warning signs unless something happens an they do a CT or MRI.
I would like to find a way to get the GOV.to helpwith funding for this, anybody can get it. young an old you can be born with it We talked to a lady at the hospital her neice ws born with it she lived to be 8 months old, on 6/ 14/09 we had to take mavrick to ER if he runs a temp we have to get him to the hospital as fast as we can. the dr in the ER said that one of the nurse’s husband was dignosed with it 2 weeks ago. so he is the 6th person known to have it. I live in Ga.so anybody out their that knows of a way to help let’s get something going. their is NO Garentee that Mavrick will live thru this but I would like to get something started in horner of his Name and this langhanger cell histiois PEOPLE IT’s A KILLER.
dont’ forget your local no kill animal shelter! I have supported ours here for years, with crocheted “snugglies” to bags and cans of food! Please consider our homeless animals in your search for a needy chairity! thanks. katie
All of the above mentioned charities sound great. Anyone wanting to help a charity w/o giving $$ could consider the following:
Our local animal shelter has a small store in it, so knitting/crocheting/sewing items for them to sell is another way of helping them. OR making blankets/toys/leashes/collars for the animals at the shelter. Just be sure they’re washable!
Abused women’s shelters can also use afghans, quilts, toys, washcloths, dishcloths, placemats, purses, and other hand knit/crocheted/sewn items.
Our soldiers overseas appreciate our handwork also.
Foster kids have very little of their own as they move from house to house. Consider making something for them. Check with your local Social Services department.
Girl Scout/Guide troops can always use help – offer to teach a class in crochet/knitting or other craft to a local troop OR through your local council OR donate supplies.
Likewise, 4-H groups, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other youth groups.
Check with your local Extension Agents to see about other needs in your own community.
Linus Project is always in need of blankets for kids – knit, crocheted, quilted, or tied fleece.
Hospitals often have a need for caps for newborns; and premies need caps & blankets. Often they will put blankets over the neonatal units the premies are in.
Nursing homes and Hospices love receiving lap blankets, prayer shawls, afghans, etc for their patients. Especially nice for those who don’t have any family. If you check through Social Services in your area, you will probably find one or more nursing homes in your area where few of the residents have any visitors/family. Consider adopting one with some of your friends. Many residents love to play Bingo for small prizes such as travel size toiletries, $1 DVDs, spa cloths, etc.
Check with your local schools – the guidance counselors will likely know of children who could use a scarf, mittens/gloves or cap for the winter.
Additionally, you might want to consider starting a stitching club at a local school, library, or bookstore. If as a school – Talk with the guidance counselor about that too, they might know of kids who would be interested. Also, they could direct you to whoever else you would have to talk with. Depending on the number of students interested, you may need to round up a few friends to help you! Consider having people competent in several skills, knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, quilting, etc available.
Local libraries would probably love receiving handmade bookmarks to hand out at reading time to young children OR to use as prizes for their summer reading program.
Check with your local service organizations (Rotary, Inner Wheel, Lions, Kiwanis, Jaycees, Optimist, etc) to see what service projects they are doing, and if they can use your help or skills. If not directly, than surely some of their members are involved in some cause that could.
Soup kitchens and food banks will be having folks come in without cold weather gear this winter, check to see if your local soup kitchen is willing to hand out scarves and such. OR Do they do Christmas packages for them – if so, handmade items could go in there.
Many churches have prayer shawl ministries, but usually there are never enough stitchers to produce all the shawls needed. Likewise, winter items. Some churches keep a few shawls or blankets handy in their sanctuary for those who are cold-natured (poor circulation), or (like me in summer – can’t handle the air conditioning). Baby blankets for the nursery, or for new mothers.
Speaking of baby blankets – check with your local Social Service dept. or other group, for needs of young mothers without any family support. We have a Family Guidance Center in our area that is our contact. There is also a pregnancy care center that has maternity and newborn clothing/supplies for those in need.
Finding a charity that needs your help, is not a problem in my experience. It’s deciding which one to help. They all accept Ca$h – many are also eager for our handcrafted items, supplies, and experience.
Great info Kathleen! I agree, it’s not hard to find places that need help, it’s deciding which one to help out that’s the tricky part
Addressing Selene – my son also has histiocytosis. He was diagnosed when he was 5 with skin involvement, and when he was 9 they found a tumor in his brain – which was biopsied and treated with chemo therapy. I know tons about this disease, and also know that research is not government funded. I also have seen the doctors become more knowledgeable about it over the past 13 years. My son is now 18, the form of LCH he has is not life threatening. Not all presentations of this disease are life-threatening. The chat room on that site is a great – yet sometimes scary – source of information.
Rachel – sorry about running on to Selene, but it’s a disease that has affected my son – and my whole family – greatly. The charity I volunteer for is Online Angels in Pottsville, PA. This organization does not help any one particular need, but spreads its love and gifts to many different organizations in need – here in the US and for our soldiers. I believe you have it listed on your charities page. I chose this group to send my hand-made items to because it lets me send in a variety of projects – whatever mood strikes – and I know I’m contributing to something that helps people who need it the most. I have the utmost confidence in the President of the org. to send items where they are needed the most, and she sends messages through the group if there’s a particular organization with a special request – or are low on items (for instance, chemo hats or burial buntings.) If anyone checks it out and decides to join, please mention Karen W suggested it…..
So many good ideas here. I agree there are way too many projects that need my time and efforts. I began by just crocheting a 6 x 9 rectangle for an org named HAP (Handmade Afghans Project) They make afghans for hospitalized service members. Each rectangle comes from a different person in a different state to show our service members how much each person thanks them. Then I made a baby blanket (or 2) for the Knit 1, Knit 2 project that Debbie Macomber started. Then I made a few scarves for a project in California for homeless shelters (Handmade Especially for you). I was also making cards to send to service members, hats for the hospital I work at, not counting all the gifts that I make for Christmas. Then I got tired trying to do so much. Now, I just do one scarf, one rectangle, one charity, a year so as not to spread myself too thin.