Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Crochet Startitis? Blissful.

Posted in Fun Ramblings on May 5th, 2015 by Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 1 Comment

Remember back a while ago when I asked you to pay attention to what inspires your crochet? Well, I have been doing just that lately and I have two wonderful inspirations that have led to a big case of Crochet Startitis and I am loving it!

The first source of inspiration is the opening of a new and great yarn store in my local area! The beautiful store is called Sheep Thrills of Lauderhill, FL and it is focused upon creating an open & welcoming environment filled with uniquely beautiful, inspiring yarns. One of the great things I noticed was that the yarn prices varied greatly! I got a ball of really high quality and adorable t-shirt yarn there for $5, which is much less than what a comparable skein cost at my local big box!

Sheep Thrills Yarn Store Inspires My Crochet - @artlikebread Caissa McClinton
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Pay Attention to What Inspires Your Crochet

Posted in Fun Ramblings on January 10th, 2015 by Caissa "Cami" McClinton – 6 Comments

The changing of the calendar year is a perfect time for reflection. It feels natural to look back at the previous year and decide to make a fresh start in the new one. I’ve found that through reflection, I’ve made a deeper connection to what inspires me. Inspiration is a GREAT feeling. I don’t know about you, but if inspiration is flowing, I will take any chance I can get to honor it, enjoy it, and capture it.

While reflection and inspiration could refer to just about anything in life, crochet is special in that we can turn our inspiration into a tangible, touchable thing. It could be cozy, like a warm shawl or blanket. It could be giant & joyful, like a crocheted playground. It could be almost anything at all, but the point is that crochet makes our inspirations real.

Image adapted from Rick Bradley via Flickr. License

Image adapted from Rick Bradley via Flickr. License

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