The Secret to Being a Lifelong Crocheter
By A Guest Writer – 23 CommentsA Guest Post by Audrey Miller.
According to Rachel, this blog has readers from all over the world, ranging in all different ages. For someone like me who has been around since the dinosaurs (as my grand babies like to say), it is heartwarming to know that the art of crocheting will not be forgotten. Rachel is a young, true sweetheart, but I don’t think she can tell you the secret to being a lifelong crocheter until she’s lived to be as wrinkly as I am.
Speaking as a lifelong crocheter (and I really do mean a looooong life), the secret isn’t about what you crochet, or how often you crochet. It isn’t even about how well you crochet. Believe it or not, the secret to being a lifelong crocheter is right in front of you. It is like anything else in life.
In life you need a purpose. You need a reason to want to do it. You need that motivation, that fire in the belly feeling. The same is true for crocheting. To be a lifelong crocheter you need to have a purpose. A purpose can be anything from wanting to help people by crocheting them hats or just to have something fun to do while you watch TV.
Now you may wonder why it’s so important to be a life long crocheter. The answer is, it isn’t important unless you think it is. Those who find a purpose in crocheting will also find the reward in being true lifelong crocheters (I know I have). No matter who you are or where you are in the world, you can be a lifelong crocheter as long as you find your purpose.
Why do you crochet? What is your purpose?
Audrey Miller is a proud grandmother and lover of all things crochet. In her free time, when Audrey’s not spoiling her youngest grandchild, she enjoys teaching others to crochet. Her current crochet purpose is working with Project Linus to crochet blankets.
I love crocheting. I do it because I have a hard time being idle. My hands always have to move for some reason. Even if I am watching a movie or something like that my hands have to be doing something. I’m also motivated to crochet for other people. I love making things for my sisters, parents, and friends and just seeing them using it.
I started doing it when I became chronically ill at age 23…had a lot of housebound time on my hands. It morphed from a time-killing hobby to more of a business! I also find it therapeutic, more so because I picked it up at such a challenging time…and since I never actually “got better,” it continues to serve that purpose for me. It’s comforting, and I’m accomplishing something, all from the ease of my chair and/or bed.
I’m with Lanet, if I keep my hands busy, I’m less likely to bite my nails ot eat! Also the counting keeps my brain satisfied. Maybe people who are avid crocheters are really undiagnosed ADD sufferers!
Crocheting is a peaceful hobby. It fills the time and you have something to show for it. It is very calming and for those of us who tend to be anxious, it’s a soothing balm. I love it when I’m waiting for an appointment or for someone, and I sit and crchet, and folks will come up and ask me what I’m making. They are fascinated to watch the project, and I can tell they wish they had something to do with their free time too! It’s a way to do for others, by giving time and skill. The best gift of all!
I learned how to crochet about a year ago and now it is one of my all time favorite pastimes. I’ve learned to bring it with me where ever I go so I’ll always have something to do. I love making things for others, and after a year have finally started on a curtain project for myself.
All the kids love the Amigurumi and they are tons of fun to make. 
I too always keep some yarn and a crochet needle with me as when I am somewhere for a period of time I tend to get ancy. As someone else already said, I love to make things for other people. So much so my husband the other day told me that I had to make something for myself every now and then.
I am a crochet addict! LOL I learned to crochet at 13 and have been going strong for almost 27 years now! Now I write my own patterns as well as testing patterns for others. Crochet is a great stress reliever and the project possibilities are endless. So for me it never gets boring cause there is always something new I want to try.
Crochet fulfills many purposes for me. I don’t like to be idle, but I don’t want to crochet just for the sake of having hook in hand. I like what I’m making to have a useful purpose, to make a difference to someone. Crocheting for others, whether it be for charity or for a friend or relative, is what does it for me. There are so many needs, but there are also so many crocheters (and knitters) out there! Together, we CAN make a difference.
I used to crochet as a hobby, now it’s more of a passion. I’m guilty of finding myself resentful of the things that interrupt my crochet time – like my paying job. But, I DO need that paycheck – if anything to help with the regular bills and also feed my passion. Not long ago, it hit me that I have a God-given talent, and I needed to find out what to do with that talent. I prayed for a while, and I found a charity group on the internet that was exactly what I was looking for. That group allows me to crochet what I want to, and they always find the perfect home – the one who really needs what I made. It’s an awesome feeling. I hope God continues to bless me with the health and ability to continue to help others.
I really do not have to have a reason to crochet. I just enjoy the process of learning a new stitch, trying out a new kind of yarn or a new hook. (Why are the craft stores carrying more knitting accessories than crochet accessories?) I have a new granddaughter and so she has been the most current reason for getting hooked. My husband knows when it has been a a difficult day at work. After I get a of coffee, my hook starts flying through Rachel’s lanyard, coasters, flowers or washcloth. Stress is a good reason to crochet!
My aunt taught me to crochet when I was about 5. I am now 61 and I love crocheting. I found a purpose in making chemo caps for cancer patients in the Salt Lake Valley and surrounding area. I make baby afghans for the neo natal unit at the University of Utah Medical Center and scarves for battered women in the area. I get great joy in teaching and helping others with their crocheting. I worked for the US Postal Service for 27 years and never found the purpose and joy from doing that as I do from my crochet projects.
I read some where, “I crochet…so I don’t kill anyone.” That’s the way I feel.
I love this post! Keep ’em coming. I think I have a lot to learn from someone who has been crocheting for so long.
I’m always thinking of he next project and the next and the next, it’s only been about a year and a half but I have made so many things. I’m putting together a spiral note book of patterns I want to make and ones I have made. I’m Getting a crochet hook tatooed on my ankle, I’m getting an anklet with charms, the hook will be just one of the charms on it! COOL HUH?
I taught myself how to crochet as a teenager in the 70’s. I wanted the cool bags that I saw everywhere and couldn’t afford to buy. Unfortunately, I didn’t realise at the time that I wouldn’t be able to afford the fancy yarns used to make those bags and I threw my crochet hook in a corner with the cheap acrylic yarn I could afford and walked away from crochet.
I picked up my hook once again when my son was born. What drove me to it was the fact that he was born premature and I couldn’t find a cap to fit him for love or money in the small town where we lived. It was the middle of winter and with -45C daily highs, I needed something warm for his tiny head. It wasn’t the prettiest of hats I’d ever made, but it was definitely the warmest and it fit him perfectly!
Time went by, and my crochet hooks were put away to be replaced by sewing clothing for my children out of necessity. Times were hard and I had no money to buy the newest fashions that all the girls at school wore and my daughter so dearly wanted but knew better than to ask for them. So I would look in the stores and the flyers and make her clothes to match the latest fashions. Now that she’s 30, she tells me often just how much she loved her outfits made my Mom that no money could buy anywhere in the world.
Five years ago, I picked up my crochet hooks again. This time to add a few shells to a pair of wristwarmers I had knit for a dear friend. After I was done, I didn’t put my hooks away but left them out because my love of crochet had been rekindled. Now I crochet all the time; when I’m stressed out, when I’m too ill to do anything else, when I have my fibro days. I love to make things for family, friends, donations as well as items to sell. It makes me feel good that I am still useful and that I can make someone smile with my crochet hooks.
I’ve been crocheting for I don’t know how long but I remember the first ‘real’ project I finished was a ‘mod’ flower cap/hat for my niece when she went to Sunday School… think she was about 4 or 5 she just turned 50 the other day so it’s been a while… I also don’t like idle hands & I do have CCCD -Chronic Compulsive Crochet Disorder – which some friends on SIBOL [a project for making blankets for the elderly in the UK] have coined… it rolls off the tongue so easily too… I have CCCD… but all jokes aside it is so wonderful what you can make, just while you are sitting here or there…
I ehco all the sentiments above.. I know when I dont crochet and realised its a subconscious thing because of muscle pains I get but once I feel better and inspired by something then I start again.. hats, afghans, rag rugs, last week it was a tea cosy! Idle hands make me twitchy and then I look for something to eat… I found its very difficult to eat with a crochet hook in your hand!
I crochet to brighten other peoples lives. I love making birthday gifts and thinking about you gifts. My recent project is supporting my charity. I work at a hospital in Ft. Worth, TX. I have asked all of the employees the crochet, knit or sew to join me in making baby items (mainly hats) for our newborn and preemie nursery.
I have always thought crochet was just the neatest thing to watch someone do and I have always wanted to learn. I taught myself how about a year and a half ago (and I’m in my late 30’s). So your never to old to learn! A lot of the stitches were about to make me crazy until I came across this site and the pictures were the biggest help to me. Thanks Rachel!!! I just like to make things for others and when a project comes out the way it’s suppose too, it just makes me happy! So I guess my main reason to crochet is it just makes me HAPPY! I continue to learn everyday, and it comes from tips from others who have done it before me and was willing to share. Maybe some day I will be able to help someone else. But until then, I will continue to learn from others. Thanks for all those who are willing to help newbies like me!
I learnt to crochet as part of my rehab for fibromyalgia. I was 15 then, now at 30 my crochet cubby as i have dubbed my double wardrobe of wool, cotton and material strips is almost overflowing and I always have a takeaway project and a couch project (afgan or simiar) on the go. It drives my husband nuts that i can watch a movie and crochet at the same time. I have now mad a little circle of my girlfriends who come over once a week for crochet night and teach them. I would go nuts without my crochet.
My Grandmother was the only person in our very large family to crochet. I always wanted to learn, but never got around to it. After my Grandmother died I finally gave crocheting a try and instantly fell in love. Now I’m the only person in the family who crochets. In some way I feel my Grandmother gave me her approval to crochet when she passed. Or at least that’s what I’d like to think.
I crochet because it brings me joy, helps me relax and keeps me from being idle. I love seeing finished projects that came from my two hands – that’s priceless to me. I also love that crocheting is a fairly cheap hobby so it’s perfect for people on a budget.
I find the online crocheting community to be fun, positive, helpful and welcoming to newcomers. It’s a great community to belong to.
Crocheting is not only fun, it is comforting. Recently when my cat passed away, crocheting helped to keep me busy and not thinking of sad times.
I learned to crochet at elementary school – and that totally turned me away from crocheting for many many years, because the teacher was very bad and the potholder we were supposed to produce rather looked like a shrinked, crumbled something…
When I was about 11 one of my aunts showed me how to knit, but I didn’t really like it, because the needles were out of steel and the yarn was slippery, so it was quite a tensed activity – far from being relaxing…
As an early teenager we could attend fiber craft classes at school at one afternoon per week and that time the teacher was much better than the first one; she allowed us to choose from a variety of crafts and a variety of patterns and then showed us patiently and exactly how to do things in the right way.
The result was a nice doily of 30 cm that was supposed to serve as a front of a cushion. Well, I never crocheted the back part, because that would have been rounds and round of single stitches and at that time I did not have the patience for something “so boring”… But I was very proud of the doily itself [“hah, I CAN crochet something that does not look like too-hot-washed”] and that I had learned to read a crochet text-instruction.
In late teenage time I tried knitting again, but the sweater turned out to be a knee-long, double-my-size baggy something…
And apart from a simple scarf, that I started a few years later and that took me ages to complete, and a hopeless attempt to knit a sock (not a pair – I quitt with the first one *lol*), I did not knit again. I suppose, it is just not “mine” to handle so many loops on two slippery needles…
I did a lot of different fibre crafting in the years to follow, but nothing really grabbed me for a long time…
But a few years ago, I wanted to produce some kind of “airy cardigan” with short sleeves, so I could wear a summer top with slim straps without looking “half naked”; I remembered the doily, and that it had a lot of holes in it, so I started looking for crocheted cardigans in the craft magazines.
I found a lot of material, and also was thrilled to see, that most of the patterns were not only printed as text (as the first doily was), but also as chart – and reading a chart is so much easier, because you can see at one glance what you are expected to crochet.
So I bought a book for basic crocheting, took out my old crochet hook (and found, that my hands got too long for them *lol*) and started trying different stitches and patterns.
By doing this, I realized, that it is sooo easy to crochet! And that you can do almost everything with just one hook and one loop (well, sometimes more, according to the stitch
). You can even crochet socks!
So, I might not be a lifelong crocheter (because I started in my middle ages with real crocheting), but crocheting grabbed me totally, so I will be a “rest of my life crocheter” – and that is also something to be proud of!
i’ve been crocheting since the age of 14.Since I taught myself to read the patterns a whole new world open up for me,I love the feeling of accomplishment when I’m done with a project,but what’s even better is the look on my granbabies face at a new hand made toy or blanket.I’m hoping that 1 of my girls will be interested in learning the craft too.