What’s Your Crochet Skill Level?
By Rachel Choi – 51 CommentsI’ve been wondering what skill level you would consider yourself. There are many ways to describe your skill level and a bunch of opinions as to what constitutes a beginner, intermediate or advanced crocheter. For the sake of this question, let’s use the definitions created by the Craft Yarn Council of America for different skill levels for projects. Based on the project level, you can choose which one would best suit your skill level. Here are the different levels:
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Projects for first-time crocheters using basic stitches. Minimal shaping. |
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Projects using yarn with basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes, and simple shaping and finishing. |
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Projects using a variety of techniques, such as basic lace patterns or color patterns, mid-level shaping and finishing. |
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Projects with intricate stitch patterns, techniques and dimension, such as non-repeating patterns, multi-color techniques, fine threads, small hooks, detailed shaping and refined finishing. |
What project level do you think best describes your skill level?
I think that I’m between Easy and Intermediate. The stuff that I enjoy making doesn’t require a ton of shaping and lace patterns, but I think that I would be able to follow an Intermediate pattern.
I am between intermediate and experienced. I have crocheted for more than 30 years. I have made my own designs and I follow patterns very well. I have learned more from following patterns and I enjoy crocheting from a pattern best. I don’t consider myself an expert because just a few years ago I learned tunisian (sp?) crochet. I think there are still some things I can learn about crochet.
Thank you Rachel for a great site.
Beginner. I once made a granny square, but that was back in elementary school, and I’ve long since forgotten everything I knew. I’d really like to get back into it, and all of your projects are beautiful.
I think it depends on the pattern. I think I am close to being advanced, but there are some beginner patterns that are confusing for me to read. I have made all sort of things, round, square, and with various shaping and stitches to them. It just depends on the instructions. Since I have taught myself for the most part, if I do not get the pattern instrcutions, I just start, and if it does not look right, I “frog” and start again, until it looks like what it is supposed to be.
I am very new to crochet, been doing it less than a week actually but I love it! I have been loom knitting for a few months and wanted something to help give me a break from that so I can go back and forth between the two.
I only know a few basic stitches but I am trying to learn.
I consider myself very experienced. I am a visual person and can change patterns to my needs most of the time. If I find a mistake in a pattern I can usually find and fix it. I do prefer instructions to be clear and a space between rows or rounds. I also like to print out instructions and cut out rounds or rows and put each of them on a 3×5 card on a 3×5 card binder so I can flip
the rows or rounds as I do them. I put a large paper clip on the round or row I am using and change as needed. I can always find my place. I place a picture on the first 3×5 card and what I need for the project on the next. I do not use the back of the card (it could be used for extra notes if needed). Nice for projects that you take anywhere while waiting.
I have no clue actually…I can crochet doilies and such with tiny hooks with seemingly complicated patterns, but I never tried to crochet something “hard” with yarn. I usually just make coasters, socks, scarves, and hats with yarn. So, what would I be?
A lot depends on how well written the pattern is that you’re trying to follow!
Based on the descriptions, I would consider myself Intermediate, but I’ve struggled with some patterns because the terminology was different or poorly illustrated – or just flat out had errors. But that’s the great thing about crochet … you can keep ripping it out until it’s right! 
well… I have done some intermediate stuff. I just started chrocheting last year in the summer. but Have been a maniac, working on all kinds of projects! lov’in it! doing a second shrug now and an afgan. and another side project that I can’t figure out. my local yarn shop has 1 lady that chrochets she’s on 2 days only. not good for me.
Keep on the good work!
p.s. how do I get my picture in my square?
Danielle, you would have to go to this site: http://en.gravatar.com/ and upload you pic to it with your email address. Then it would automatically show up in the square on every blog you comment on.
I’d say Easy, I can follow a pattern but I’ve only been crocheting for a few years so I still have a lot to learn.
I consider myself between intermediate and advanced. I don’t have too much experience with techniques like tunisian or irish crochet, but hopefully that will change this year! =)
I’ve never met a pattern that I cannot tackle. I’ve worked on everything from beginner to experienced, currently crocheting a sweater. Love the art of it all.
I think I’m in between easy and intermediate. I haven’t done any lace stuff but I’ve done lots of color patterns and have created some of my own designs too.
I think it depends on the pattern. As long as they are explained in a way that I can understand, I am ok. It is hard on my eyes to follow detailed patterns, but if it is something I really want to crochet, I will muddle through.
I would consider myself in the experienced catagory. I’ve been crocheting for about 30 yrs. and have made a few intricate doilies, however, I prefer making simpler things like afghans, dishcloths, pot holders, etc.
Easy. I’ve only been crocheting for a few months and I am self-taught. I’ve been able to do many things thanks to your blog Rachael! I always look forward to your weekly newsletter. Thank you so much!
I am at level EASY. I have been crocheting for many many years BUT all anyone ever showed me was a basic chain, everything else I have just figured out on my own, for the most part.
I would probably consider myself an Advanced crocheter. My mother taught me how to crochet when I was very young (8 yrs.or so) and I’ve been crocheting ever since (I’m 34). Although I go through seasons (I think we all do) where we crochet more or less often, my love for crochet has never faded. While I love bigger projects that show more progress in less time (blankets, rugs, etc.) there’s nothing like finishing a dainty, detailed & exquisite centerpiece made with size 40 or 60 thread. I can figure out nearly any stitch and have much patience (I’m a perfectionist so sometimes I’ll rip hours of work out more than once, just to get it perfect), but like someone earlier mentioned, there are times when a pattern is just not written out clearly and those can be a real challenge. I’ve successfully made a few of my own designs/patterns but find that I still have a lot to learn in that regard.
I consider myself on the advanced side of intermediate. I can create my own projects without patterns, I can follow patterns well and find mistakes in them (though I’m still learning to read the stitch-diagrams) and can make every stitch I’ve ever attempted. I’m just starting to experiment with crochet lace and find it both tedious and rewarding – it takes a long time to see results with something so small, but it’s so pretty when you do! I have a good brain for patterns of stitches and how they fit together. Mostly I just wish I had more time to crochet! Your site gives me all kinds of inspiration!
I’m between intermiate and experienced. I’ve been crocheting since I was about 12 and I’m now 54. I stopped for a few years here and there, but never lost my levels. I really enjoy seeing it is still a big hobby.
I guess i’d be intermediate. Have been crocheting for many years, but always always something new to master! Its a constant challenge for me, which is what i like! Keeps it all interesting!
I would consider myself intermediate though I’ve been crocheting many years. I have not spent a lot of time developing more intricate techniques as I don’t have the time or brain power extra to do that. LOL I could probably do it, but am not inspired to do so.
I’m an Easy level. Started as a very young girl and drop the craft in my teens. I’m not picking it back up in my 50’s. I really enjoy your site and your craftmanship.
I consider myself a advanced intermediate. I don’t think I have attempted all crochet techniques yet and conquered them so not quite advanced yet.
I’m somewhere between intermediate and experienced. I’ve done some threadwork, but nothing extensive.
Perhaps after 50+ years of crocheting, I’m at the advanced level. I mostly crochet what I enjoy crocheting, sometimes more challenging patterns and sometimes more simple.
Without a doubt, BEGINNER. I have been crocheting for years, but I can’t read patterns and I haven’t graduated to anything besides simple scarves and dishclothes!
I think I am a blend of intermediate and experienced. I do craft shows and take orders rom some of my clients. I love to create my own items, too.
I consider myself experienced. I love to crochet and knit sweaters and dressesm for my granddaughters. I get very involved in small hook and thread items-snowflakes and doilies,erc. made center pieces of fans andhats in all sizes for daughter and daughter-in-law’s wedding.I am not a big fan of charts. I do all of my items for family and gigts for close friends.
I’m at Easy but I’m ready for a bit more challenge finally. I’d like to try simple baby clothes.
I’m a beginner/easy crocheter. I taught myself about a year ago but haven’t had much time to crochet in the last few months. I’m happy to have found this website.
I am definitely a an Intermediate, according to the definitions you posted. My favorite thing is to use doily patterns but use worsted-weight cotton to make comforters, shawls and curtains. Also, I hate wearing glasses and can’t see the smaill stuff as well anymore, LOL!
Somewhere in between Intermediate & Experienced. However, I usually stick with easier patterns that are finished quickly so my son doesn’t attack them. He thinks half finished projects are way more fun than finished ones.
I’m definitely an experienced crocheter.
Easy-and-a-half, LOL Definitely not fully ‘intermediate’ but can follow some intermediate patterns.
I’d say intermediate although, every now and then, I’ll run up against something that doesn’t really make sense to me so I’ll try doing it the way I think it would go and it usually works out well. LOl
I’d say I’m an advanced intermediate. I’ve been crocheting since I was 8 or 9…my mother taught me. She couldn’t read patterns, so in my 20’s I bought a book called “Creative Crochet” and taught myself to read patterns, and to create things without a pattern, as well. The book had around a hundred different stitches or motifs, and I tried and mastered them all. I’ll tackle just about anything, but I cannot abide something that is just single crochet or any other single stitch over and over and over. A pattern has to be somewhat challenging to hold my interest over time. I love to work with colors, so I CAN do a repetitive square or motif, if I can put interesting colors together. Can’t wait to see what each one is going to look like! I just started working with thread this year. So far, I’ve only gotten to a size 3 or 5. I plan on learning to use the smaller stuff, but I am tres impatient! I tried to make a snowflake once long ago using size 10, probably, and got so frustrated that I threw the whole mess against a wall! Maybe age has mellowed me? Anyway, I shall try again. Actually, I really love using the smallest aluminum hooks on the size 5 thread. The steel hooks kind of intimidate me…not as long, thinner, heavier…I don’t know what…but I will give it a try. Since I hate doilies and all that kind of frou-frou, I would crochet clothing with the teeny stuff, I guess. My pet peeve is instructions which are WRONG!, especially if in a book or something I have paid for! I can figure out the mistake and how to fix it, but usually after 2 or 3 unsuccessful tries…remember, I impatient? Aargh!
All I know is that I probably would go crazy if I couldn’t crochet! It is my stress reliever!
I have been crocheting for 30 years. I think my skill llevel is experienced. I have crocheted using thread, wire, many types of yarn, beads and recycled plastic bags. I love to crochet. It is my therapy. Thanks for the lovely patterns.
I am an easy/intermediate crocheter. I can do most anything, but I don’t like to do clothes that have to fit. And I don’t like to do the colors that carry along the back. It is not that I can’t do these things, I just would rather crochet for relaxation. I make chemo caps, caps for the family, and want to learn to do mittens and house socks.
I am a beginner & have difficulty reading directions as I am self taught. I Love your web site, it has inspired me to try harder. Keep all the wonderful newsletters coming!
I guess I’d consider myself somewhere between easy and intermediate. I really don’t crochet anything that has to be shaped – I mainly do hats, scarves, felted purses, dishcloths, afghans – that sort of thing. I’m looking for just the right sweater pattern so I can stretch my wings a bit – I’m ready for a challenge!
I would say I can follow intermediate, my problem is putting them together and making them look good, I’ve made baby sweaters, booties, bonnets, afghans, baby blankets, scarfs, hats, things did not need either crocheting or sewing together, I have a lovely sweater pattern that I would like to crochet for my daughter, believe it or not I’ve already purchased the yarn but hesitate to start for that reason, not knowing how to put them together nicely, I’ve croched a pineapple design afghan with thread size 10, it’s not that I have no experience in crocheting.
I would say I’m intrermediate, have crochet for years, always something that did not need to either crochet or sew together, have made baby sweaters, booties, bonnets, afghans, using yarn and thread both. I have always crochet things that did not need putting together, I have a lovely sweater pattern I would like to crochet for my daughter, believe it or not I’ve already purchased the yarn , determined to ;make this sweater and I still hesitate to start it
I concur with Becca, I think I’m between easy and intermediate. I can do beginner and easy patterns and I can do the majority of intermediate patterns, though some do stump me. Often times it depends on the way the pattern is written.
Between beginner and easy. Could you give me a pattern that doesn’t take long at all? No circles please. I want to go up to at least 10 rows. Thanks.
Hi Robert, I think there’s lot of patterns that fit your description. Is there something specific you want to make? Most of the patterns in the Free Crochet Pattern section will fit what you described. You can click on any pattern you’re interested in and see the skill level and you can see if it’s made in rounds or rows by looking at the beginning of the pattern.
I’m experienced, but sometimes I just want to do something quick and simple. What I really like are stitch combinations that make the crocheting more interesting. They may be hard to figure out at first, but once I get the hang of a combination I really enjoy the variety.