Where is the Oddest Place You’ve Crocheted?

By Rachel Choi – 21 Comments

Crochet is a portable hobby that can be done around the house, at the doctor’s office, on your lunch break, or on the bus or airplane. But just for fun and giggles, where is the oddest, weirdest, most unusual place you have ever crocheted? Come on, give us all a good laugh and share your experience below and see what others are saying!

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  1. Laurel says:

    Believe it or not, I’ve once crocheted on the toilet. HHAHAHA!

  2. Jenni says:

    I work at a university and had to staff a student concert and sit at a door outside the venue to make sure no one left or tried to get in. I crocheted the entire night during the show. It was Chance the Rapper lol!!!!!!!!

  3. I crochet at the local 4th of July and Labor Day parades as we have to get there early to get a decent spot and you need something to keep you amused. I get odd looks all the time, but I get quite a bit of work done while waiting for the parade to start.

  4. Annmary Charles says:

    If I know that I will have to stay and wait awhile at the car mechanic garage, then I will bring along a small crochet project. Of course, I also crochet on an airplane flight. At first I was careful to bring plastic hooks, but now they seem not to mind a small aluminum hook. The work always draws interest: once the flight attendant even cut my yarn for me, in the absence of my scissors!

  5. Cindy says:

    Bahahahaha! I always have some crochet project with me. At the very least is a dishrag and hook in my purse. Tire shop, dr. office, most definitely the hospital. We raise Quarter Horses and attend a lot of barrel races where our horses compete. So, therefore, I always take my current project with me to a barrel race. During the summer months, it is always a small project, but during the winter, those afghans come in real handy! I crochet and watch the barrel race and when the time comes for one of our horses to run, I lay my project down and grab my phone because I am also the “official videographer” for all their runs. I definitely received lots of “what in the world are you doing” comments at first, but now everybody just comes by to see what I’m whipping up now.

  6. Lil Conner says:

    Not really odd but but I crochet any where there will be a wait. Sometimes in restaurants. Many, many years ago I was crocheting at a faculty meeting, the principal told me to stop KNITTING! I did correct her afterwards in private. Poor lady, she probably wasn’t crafty at all!

  7. Cindy says:

    Court room. I’m a guardian ad litem & have to be in court for my cases. Never knowing when my case will be called, I have to just wait. My crocheting helps pass the time.

  8. Frances says:

    On a Greyhound bus. I did see a woman crocheting during church service.

  9. Debbie C. says:

    I remember around 30 horses, various wagons, about 100 people……yep, a trail ride near Houston, TX for the 4th of July. And there I was riding my appaloosa mare, Sunny, crochet bag hung over the saddle horn, crocheting away amidst the noise, laughter, children, adults & a few dogs along. It was a wonderful day…….

  10. Diane Hunt says:

    When my father had a massive heart attack and wasn’t expected to live (he is gone now, but at this time he did make it) my mother, as would be expected, was a basket case. I spent about 18 hours straight trying to teach her to crochet. It was of course simply to get her mind off of what was going on, and it really helped her through a very difficult time. Every time she would start to drift mentally I would pull her right back to the wool and the hook. We sat in the Cardiac Care Family Room for hours, drinking coffee and working with yarn. She didn’t learn to crochet, but even so, it helped her so much. She still refers to it as her crochet lessons and smiles with the memory. I will never forget it.

  11. Theresa says:

    During baseball games that I did not keep score….

  12. Debby says:

    I support several children actives in our County on which I a member. I
    I was at a Spelling Bee, you really can listen,cry, and crochet.

  13. Joan Borrill says:

    In maternity home waiting for my first son to be born 3 weeks. early. matron said I had to have complete rest. I was sat up crocheting but matron said No not allowed. I ended up laid flat and crocheting on my chest. It was the longest 6 hours of my life and baby arrived 12 hours later.All’s well that ends well.

  14. Marty says:

    I have crocheted at a local bar whilst engaged in a frosty adult beverage. Had a few missed stitches that I had to go back and fix!

  15. Sonja Bulkin says:

    10 years ago,after surgery, I had a six month course of chemotherapy, resulting in a complete recovery from colon cancer. I had many hours to fill each Wednesday between having blood taken to be analysed and seeing the doctor, sitting outside on a bench and crocheting not only passed the time, but took my mind off everything, assisting in keeping a positive mindset. I highly recommend it to anyone having medical treatment!

  16. Andrea Smith says:

    I crocheted fro the back seat of my mom’s car on the way to Iowa, it was a beautiful basket weave baby blanket that I started from the back seat.

  17. Holly Smith says:

    Crochet is truly therapeutic. Congratulations ladies for finding comfort in your skill and sharing it with others.

  18. marcia says:

    i crocheted on the creek bank while the rest of the group fished.

  19. Jana says:

    Probably the oddest place was when I lived in Saudi Arabia. I would always take my crocheting into town when I went shopping. Then, when all the stores would close for prayer times, I would sit on a curb, steps, or wherever I could to crochet until the stores opened again!

  20. Panya says:

    When I was 16 and my appendix burst I had my mother bring my crocheting to me to pass the time while I was in hospital [for an entire week]. That’s pretty normal, but it was very slow going since the IV in the back of my hand kept twisting because of the movement and that would set off an alarm — the nurses eventually taught me how to turn the alarm off myself so they wouldn’t have to keep running back to my room.
    I also finished piecing a blanket together for my oldest nephew when we were in the waiting room waiting to see him after he’d been born — again, I don’t think the hospital is such a strange place to crochet, but you don’t see many people sewing squares together in the waiting rooms, lol.
    A couple of years ago I crocheted in the movie theatre when I took my niece to see Zootopia [during the movie], and in the courthouse for jury duty selection [not during the actual interview process, but during the instruction video and wait time]. Both of those times I’d been working on the same baby blanket because I’d been ill and wasn’t able to work on it much beforehand — the baby shower I was making it for was approaching rapidly and I was so worried I wouldn’t finish it!

  21. june says:

    in the eyeglass office

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