You Crochet – Therefore You Are….
By Veronica Smith – 15 CommentsCrochet – still thought of by some as a “granny’s thingâ€. I mean, who would want that old crochet stuff now? How very wrong. I know for my grandmother that crochet and knitting were a necessity. She would get old clothing that had been discarded by others, and pull them apart to remake a garment. It happens when you have 7 children and live in a 2 bedroom house with no running water – no money. The old multi-coloured afghans could be make up using the little bits that happen when you unravel things. For some, these things were a reminder of poorer days.
Not so now – the good old ‘granny square’ has made a comeback big time. Crochet is now the ‘in’ thing. It has had a face lift, funnily enough a lot is being made with grandma’s generation patterns.
So now if you are coming across people being shocked that you crochet and indicate that you are many years out of your time then tell them. Tell them in no uncertain terms that:
You create therefore you are – a Fiber Artist.
If you are doing craft fairs or selling your work online make sure people know you are a fiber artist. It is true. Let’s face it everybody wants something made by a designer, an artist, a specialist. With maybe the exception of designer if you are using somebody else’s pattern, you are an artist and a specialist.
Go for it. Here’s proof……..
fi·bre / fi·ber [fahy-ber] – noun
– A fine, threadlike piece, as of cotton, or jute.
– A slender filament.
art·ist [ahr-tist] – –noun
– A person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
– A person who practices one of the fine arts
– A person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design
– A person whose work exhibits exceptional skill.
Long live fiber artists who have the skill of our forefathers. The first published crochet patterns appeared in the Dutch magazine Pénélopé in 1824. You are keeping an old skill alive.
And you thought you just did crochet.
Thank you Veronica!!! I love being a fiber artist! Although I’m rather new to the craft, crocheting has been a wonderful recreational activity and the epitome of self-care for me, which is a priority since I have two young children and a husband who fight for my attention.
In less than a year I have re-learned how to crochet, made at least 4 scarves from 4 different ideas or patterns, juggling balls for Christmas presents for my nieces, a purse, a hook bag, and now I am working on a pair of socks! It has been very rewarding to be able to create something that doesn’t just get hung on the wall (I used to do counted cross-stitch). I am also trying to balance the amount that I make for others, versus the amount that I make for myself. After all, I should be able to enjoy my art, too! 
I love that. I’m a proud crocheter, fibre artist, and a designer. Keep on crocheting!
Hip! Hip! Hooray for Crochet!!!
I consider myself a Fiber Artist and Designer! I would like to become published some day, but for now, I’m having the time of my life!
I enjoy crocheting very much. It is fun to be able to have the perfect gift (in custom color and size). I’m thinking of the person I’m making it for, and of course thinking good thoughts about them. The same goes for the items I make for myself or my home.
I’m reading a murder mystery called ‘Hooked on Murder’ by Betty Techtman. I confess I originally bought it because of the promise of a crochet pattern, but the writer is engaging and shares some of the frustration of learning any new technique. It also shares the pride and sense of accomplishment that comes when finally you ‘get it’. Also some of the politics of crochet vrs knitting.
I bought a crochet bundle from Leisure Arts. It had a tote bag, some magazines, DVDs, etc. I was really disappointed in a couple of the DVDs. A majority of their content was about knitting. When I complained I was told I could get a refund if I sent the entire package ‘unopened’ back. Obviously I’d opened everything or I wouldn’t have known what the content was. I will not buy anything from them again, unless I can see exactly what the content is.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I am not really very good at crochet (I can make things that are square and flat!!) I do enjoy it. I have made many afghans and scarves, and have given them away as gifts. It is refreshing to hear that there are others that do not consider this a “granny hobby”.
Hey Veronica, and Everyone. I consider myself a fiber artist simply because I love working with all things fiber! Hmmm lets see – as a young teenager, I made my first dress (for the play, Romeo and Juliet, I was Lady, but I made it with very little coaching from my Mom (who made every dress I needed, including my wedding gown); then I did macrame (yes, I’m that; then my Mom-in-law taught me the chain stitch and the sc and dc, and the rest, as they say, was history! I boughr an issue of Crochet Fantasy and Magic Crochet and taught myself the rest of the crochet stitches using those two magazines (the pictures in the back were life savers); then, I taught myself embroidery, cross stitch, and a little knitting (but I’ve forgotten the knitting – it has a mind of its Sooo, I guess I am a fiber artist and I am very proud of the works of art that have come from my two hands! Thank you, Veronica! And thank you, Rachel! I will always be a Fiber Artist!
A reply to Valorie, I had a similar experience with Leisure Arts. Unfortunately, they seem to be too caught up in the money end of our craft that they forget the crafters. I have some great pattern pamphlets I got in 1979 from them but the prices have gone so high and they are so mean that I doubt I will buy anything from them in the future. Why do people have to be so greedy?
Hmmm. Murder and Crochet–sounds like a great book! Good luck.
My grandmother was a wonderful crocheter who simply enjoyed doing it at any age, and continued until her arthritis dictated otherwise. Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue to enjoy her many afghans; my sister has her tablecloth stretcher along with tablecloths Gram made. I believe her crocheting helped her live to 93. (My other grandmother was an amazing seamstress who could create just about anything from a piece of cloth.)
One time when I was crocheting my Uncle said, “What are you doing? I thought only old ladies did that.” I told him, “No, anyone that is talented enough to do it does it.” If I’ve got to be addicted to something let it be crocheting and knitting!
I like that thought. I’m not up to labeling myself a fiber artist quite yet though. I’m just working on my first project right now, trying to get the hang of it and see what else I can make.
People are very surprised when I tell them that I crochet, since I’m a 25 year old guy.
My 90 year old called my crocheting weaving. He loved seeing me create. I like the concept of being a fiber artist, and the fact that men as well as women are joining in our creativity.
You can’t be a 25 year old guy and crochet? Who told you that? I will be writing an article in the near future on men crocheting and i support you 100%. Just don’t hide the fact from people that you do in fact create wonderful things with fiber. Veronica
Hello Andrew, I just wanted to tell you that I agree with Peggy and Veronica and many people that men can crochet just as much, and as well as, women if they want to–Fiber Artist is a title you are worthy of because you learned the stitches! Have you seen He teaches crochet online, and off I believe, and he is about your age (early to mid 20s). No one should forego something they love, no matter which gender it seems to be for. Keep us posted on your first project. Go for it, FIBER ARTIST Andrew, Go!!
That is so great to know! I have been making a few things here and there and consigning them at the craft store where we are based overseas. I have had several people ask me if I could make something for them. I enjoy crocheting (it is relaxing for me) and am thrilled when people want something I made. Most times I give my projects away, but some of my friends insist on paying me for my time. I make very simple patterns (which I usually adapt to fit my style) with whatever yarn catches my eye at the time, and I haven’t been brave enough to make clothing. There is always something new for me to learn. It is so nice to know that I am an artist — my husband thinks it is just annoying. I have so much yarn in my house, but I will use all of it!
i love the crochet patterns from overseas,but i need a polish pattern for a oval pineapple tablecloth,its full of pineapples,but cant understand directions.